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5 Meals That Provide Everything You Need to the Agency

5 Meals That Provide Everything You Need to the Agency
 Provide Everything You Need to the Agency

Tips For: 5 Meals That Provide Everything You Need to the Agency

In biology, the golden rule for survival is governed by the number three: 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food. So to survive indefinitely with a limited variety of foods should not be a problem.

Dr. Carmen Martín, specialist in nutrition at the Dray clinic, gives us the top five of the superfoods that would be enough to survive on a desert island or what is the same 5 foods for those who do not have much time at home or in the supermarket. "If you had to spend a lot of time just feeding on five foods, you'd have to try to cover all the food groups to find a balance," he says.

1. Broccoli
It is essential to include some type of vegetable. Vegetables provide us with a low calorie density food, but rich in minerals such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium or copper.

The WHO estimated in a study that 2.4% of diseases in Europe were directly linked to insufficient consumption of vegetables. FAO, for its part, points out the low intake of vegetables as one of the 10 main risk factors for mortality in the world.

 The Mediterranean diet once again demonstrates its supremacy. All the vegetables are valid to keep us healthy, but the defenders of crucifers (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts) claim their high content of glucosinolates, compounds that metabolize in the body in the form of isothiocyanates, high antioxidant power.

Broccoli has the highest levels of glucosinolates, in addition to its content in folic acid, zinc, iron, vitamin K or calcium.

2. Red veal meat
Since the doctor clarifies, "a higher percentage associated with proteins is important in any kind of healthy diet". Veal meat has a high content of high quantity proteins, because it contains essential essential amino acids that our body is not able to synthesize on its own. "It is especially rich in iron and zinc, which helps in the growth and proper functioning of the immune system. It also contains vitamin B12, necessary to fight anemia, because it helps to form healthy red blood cells "adds Martín.

3. Mold bread
Approximately 55-60% of the daily energy we need should come from carbohydrates. In addition to being Dr. Martín recalls, "bread is an important source of one's, very all to easy to assimilate along with quick for you to respond, which speedily covers the human body's energy needs".
Sliced ​​bread contains more sugars and fats than fresh bread and these two elements are never too much in extreme situations.

4. Milk
It is essential to include dairy products on the survival list, be it milk, cheese or yogurt. "The calcium contained in dairy products regulates gastric acidity and strengthens bones, thanks to its vitamin A and D content. It also controls bad cholesterol, since certain dairy products contain plant phytosterols that reduce these fats," argues expert

The debates on the consumption of cow's milk have not stopped yet. The most extreme refer to it as a "lethal poison". The World Health Organization has settled the discussion and points to it as an indispensable food for a healthy life and recommends drinking between 150 and 170 liters a year.

5. Apple
The fruit is an indispensable element in the diet. It provides a lot of energy and keeps the body hydrated. Put to choose, the doctor points out the apple, pear, apricot or red fruits as the best options, because they have a high amount of vitamins but a reasonably low glycemic index.

The particular famous declaring "An apple per day lengthens life" is totally true. In 2010, the genome of this fruit was deciphered and new skills were discovered. Fiber, vitamin A, B12, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus or magnesium essential amino acids are just some of its components. There are 7,500 apple varieties worldwide. But they could be summarized in yellow, green and red. Which is more complete at the nutritional level? In terms of fiber and vitamin C percentages, the yellow one stands out. Green is more caloric (41.5 calories); and red, lighter (37 calories).
5 Meals That Provide Everything You Need to the Agency Reviewed by Family Health Center on June 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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